Full Text Search by Pure JavaScript

There are several ways to add a full text search for a website:

  1. Using in-site search, such as using Google to search xyz site:example.com. The disadvantage is that it is not real-time;
  2. Using Elastic Search, which needs a dedicated server, and usually 3 nodes if using cloud service, very expensive;
  3. Using Redisearch, which needs a Redis server with plugin, and additional development work.

For small and medium-sized web sites, the number of pages that need to be indexed is not large, it is possible to use a pure JavaScript based search engine to build the index, and provides real-time search.

GitSite uses FlexSearch, a search engine written in JavaScript, to implement real-time search:


Use FlexSearch is relatively simple, but the default tokenizer does not support Chinese. The official document gives a simple algorithm to split words for CJK:

var index = FlexSearch.create({
    encode: str => str.replace(/[\x00-\x7F]/g, "").split("")

It works, but English becomes unavailable, because it only recognizes the CJK characters and drops all other words including English.

So we need to write a more comprehensive algorithm to support both English and Chinese.

In JavaScript, every character has a Unicode encoding. Here is a good Unicode encoding reference. [1]

We can divide characters into two major categories:

One is English, French, German and other letters, which rely on spaces to separate words. We list the Unicode encoding range and use isAlphabet() to identify:

const ALPHABETS = [
    [0x30, 0x39], // 0-9
    [0x41, 0x5a], // A-Z
    [0x61, 0x7a], // a-z
    [0xc0, 0x2af], // part of Latin-1 supplement / Latin extended A/B / IPA
    [0x370, 0x52f], // Greek / Cyrillic / Cyrillic supplement

function isAlphabet(n) {
    for (let range of ALPHABETS) {
        if (n >= range[0] && n <= range[1]) {
            return true;
    return false;

One is Chinese, Japanese and other texts, where one character is one word. We also list the encoding range of Unicode and use isSingleChar() to identify:

const SINGLE_CHARS = [
    [0xe00, 0x0e5b], // Thai
    [0x3040, 0x309f], // Hiragana
    [0x4e00, 0x9fff], // CJK
    [0xac00, 0xd7af], // Hangul syllables

function isSingleChar(n) {
    for (let range of SINGLE_CHARS) {
        if (n >= range[0] && n <= range[1]) {
            return true;
    return false;

Now we can implement a function for word segmentation:

function tokenizer(str) {
    const length = str.length;
    const tokens = [];
    let last = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        let code = str.charCodeAt(i);
        if (isSingleChar(code)) {
            if (last) {
                if (last.length > 1) {
                last = '';
        } else if (isAlphabet(code)) {
            last = last + str[i];
        } else {
            if (last) {
                if (last.length > 1) {
                last = '';
    if (last) {
        if (last.length > 1) {
        last = '';
    return tokens;

When using Flexsearch, specify our own tokenizer() function:

const index = new Index({
    encode: tokenizer

This implementation makes English, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean searchable.


The above word segmentation algorithm is simple and straightforward, but it still has shortcomings:

  1. Chinese word segmentation is not implemented because we do not have a dictionary;
  2. Lexical conversion of English words is not implemented because there is no thesaurus;
  3. Both English and Chinese stop words are not implemented because there is still no vocabulary library.

However, considering that a feature-rich front-end search is implemented in just a few lines of code, the profit is really high, so let’s call it a day!

  1. Unicode Character Ranges ↩︎